Concrete pumper with a boom as high as the trees!
Stair to second floor under way
Concrete 2nd floor -- still wet
Did I really not post anything for the entire month of February? Not surprising. It was a tough month, with the progress on the house running about 20% behind the progress on the budget. Lots and lots of slicing and dicing and deciding what can be eliminated and what can wait. But the skiing was great and my new grandson, Henry James Walker, was born on the 27th, strong and healthy! Congratulations Jeff & Rachel. I'll be headed out soon to meet him.
Back to the house -- it's been a lot of sort of pretty un-sexy work -- plumbing, electrical, mechanical. But sure nice to have. The liquid rubber roof which will one day be green (not if the insurance company can help it!) is now complete, and the radiant concrete floors are poured.
Tomorrow the windows arrive from Canada!